About Us

About Us


Company number # 14206982

ROYAL-OIL-EXPERTS LTD is a registered compnay under the companies house act 2006 as a private limited company. Our company number is 154206982 in Kuwait, and the situation of its registered office is in the Republic of Kuwait. We are an OIL Mining company, that not only deals in oil products , but also in Real-Estates, Toursim, Forex Trading and Stocks that we have mananged to achive succussfully over the years. Our business is growing everyday globally. Our main purpose is to build a large company & share our company partnership to everyone.

Registered office address :
شارع الخليج العربي (Gulf Road) Kuwait City.

Oil Mining Operations

Overview: Royal Oil Experts stands at the forefront of oil mining, leveraging cutting-edge technology for exploration, extraction, and refining processes. We pride ourselves on efficient oil production, maintaining both high-quality output and sustainability. Key Features: Advanced extraction methods across vast oil fields State-of-the-art refineries with eco-friendly systems Global distribution of refined oil products.

Royal Oil Experts' operations, showcasing our commitment to energy excellence and environmental responsibility.

Real Estate Ventures

Overview: In addition to our oil expertise, Royal Oil Experts has expanded into real estate. We develop, manage, and invest in prime residential and commercial properties, offering modern and sustainable living spaces. Key Features: High-rise luxury residential complexes Commercial real estate projects in business hubs Focus on sustainable and smart urban development.

Royal Oil Experts’ diversification into thriving markets.

Tourism Sector

Overview: At Royal Oil Experts, we have successfully ventured into tourism, owning and operating luxury resorts and curated travel experiences in some of the most sought-after destinations. Our focus is on offering premium services for an unforgettable journey. Key Features: Ownership of world-class resorts Custom travel experiences to exotic destinations Investments in sustainable tourism initiatives like in Green Island.

Royal Oil Experts as a brand associated with the best in tourism.

Stock Trading

Overview: Royal Oil Experts’ stock trading division is driven by extensive market research and analysis, identifying and capitalizing on investment opportunities in global stock markets. We manage diversified portfolios for optimal growth. Key Features: Portfolio management with diversified global stocks Investment in high-growth sectors like technology and energy Predictive market analysis using data-driven strategies.

Focused on maximizing returns for stakeholders in global stock markets.

Forex Trading

Overview: As a dynamic player in the financial markets, Royal Oil Experts participates in global forex trading. We use sophisticated strategies to trade major currencies, ensuring profitability in a fast-moving market. Key Features: Global currency trading, focusing on major forex pairs High-frequency trading strategies and advanced platforms Risk management and financial analysis expertise.

Royal Oil Experts excels in navigating global currency markets.